Thursday, March 15, 2012

current event

My photography current event was about the winner of the Natures Best Photography competition. There were over twenty thousand photos submitted to the contest. There is going to be an exhibit from March 30th to January 6th showing all the work. The contest winner is Windland Smith Rice. His photo was a moment that is amazingly universal as it shows the interaction between two birds. It's said that the photo shows a "playfulness and motherly love, but also a bickering within families and and batting for dominance.". Its a fantastic picture and I think it well deserved to win the competition. All the photos that are featured in the exhibit are sure to be amazing and it will be something you really want to see.

photography resource

This Site is a resource dedicated to photography. It is full of different galleries all full of amazing pictures. They have photographs of people, places, and animals. This particular page is dedicated to the Oulanka National Park in Finland.

Personal Style

My personal style for my photos is up close. I like using macro and having things in the back ground out of focus.