Thursday, September 29, 2011

Will an aperture setting of f/16 give you a small or large aperture? Will the depth of field be greater or less?

It will be a smaller aperture, and give you a greater depth of field.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


With a higher ISO there is more noise, and the picture is more fuzzy. Although a higher ISO gives you faster shutter speed, the lower ISO gives you a more clear picture.


Aperture is when the things in the back of the photo are out of focus and the front is in focus. I focused on Kylie's face and not the campus in the back ground.

Shutter Speed

This is an example of shutter speed. I had Miwa toss the leaves and then took a picture as they were coming down on her.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In this picture you see Kylie in the first shot alone, with no friends, and Sarah and Miwa walking together. In the second shot Sarah goes to talk to Kylie so she is not alone. In the last shot all three are sitting together, have a good time.